While Paris markets are a novelty to me, it’s a part of every day life for these lucky residents! Paris was where I discovered how to feast like a king for very little money in the style that I love – Picnic style! In spite of the fact that we had just enjoyed a breakfast of a crispy hot buttery croissant and an espresso, my girlfriends and I discovered that we couldn’t pass up the wealth of goodies on display for us. I highly recommend that you check out the farmers markets in any city – it’s a wealth of delicious food options at reasonable costs.
We saw the crepes lady with a huge jar of nutella, generously slathering a crepe for a customer that stopped us in our tracks. We tried to reason that we had just eaten but one of us brought up the point that we were in Paris and we would not have time to come back to indulge…besides, we were sharing so it wasn’t like we were having a WHOLE crepes to ourselves.
As we polished off this crepe [that didn’t stand a chance against us], I happened to come across the chicken lady that I read about on David Lebovitz’ blog. I leaned over to my friends as they hovered over the remains of the crepe to let them know that at long last, I thought I had found the chicken lady…and shouldn’t we at least TRY this chicken that had recommended been recommended? I mean, everyone knows that he knows his food, so it HAD to be good. We looked dubiously at each other – we had a buttery croissant, an espresso, and a crepe all within a 30 minute period…we couldn’t possibly polish off some chicken, could we??
Well, apparently we could. We agreed that we couldn’t finish an ENTIRE chicken when the vendor pointed us to the cut pieces. We could definitely finish off one teensy, weensy little piece [i don’t know if the girls clued into it but it was actually the better part of a 1/4 of a chicken]. Crispy skin on the outside, moist tender meat on the inside, I was glad to discover that David Lebovitz really did know his food. We had no problems finishing this off and I only wish that I could’ve had a whole chicken for lunch or dinner one night…or on the plane ride back home.

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }
Ahh Paris…love everything about it, especially the food and its markets. I wish I can transport those Parisian markets in my neighborhood.Your photos made me drool.
Marisol@TravelingSolemates recently posted..Vietnam: Trekking in the Off-The-Beaten-Path Hilltribe Villages – Day 1
you & me both!! i’d LOVE to have this exact market down the street from me! 🙂
jenjenk recently posted..Paris: Markets
Sigh, Paris! I really need to return, your beautiful pictures have me craving a stroll through the markets! I’m so glad you had a delicious time!
good memories… I wish I could go back just for the food!
I think we need to “train” before our next trip. i’m sure we could’ve stuffed more in, right??? 🙂
I agree about checking out farmers’ markets in ANY city. And Paris especially. I coauthored Markets of Paris, 2nd ed., a helpful resource for all who feel similarly. http://marjorierwilliams.com
Wishing you continued hearty appetite and fun discoveries!
ooooh, will have to check it out! thanks!
Love markets!! Somehow I’ve always associated Paris with food markets ever since that Pixar movie (Ratatouille) came out.
jill recently posted..Chasing Lava Flow in Big Island, Hawaii
darn it – i’m totally embarrassed to admit that i have yet to see that…and i’ve been meaning to see it FOREVER!!!!