Make Someone Smile Week [MSSW] was created in 2000 by Teleflora in an effort to bring smiles to the faces of those who are hospitalized, in nursing homes, VA hospitals and other places where people may not usually receive bouquets. Now in its 10th year, the goal is to deliver 50,000 bouquets [10,000 more than in 2009] during the week of July 18 – 24, 2010. This is the largest charitable project in our floral industry and I’m proud to have been a part of it this year.
Granted, I don’t know how helpful sweeping was to the operation of MSSW, but I’m convinced that it made for a tidier workspace for those designers working on these lovely arrangements. [Just in case you were wondering, I also believe in Santa Claus.]
Each of these particular arrangements will be brought to our local VA Hospital, bringing smiles to those who receive it. I know that every time I send an arrangement to a friend, as small as it may be, it brings a smile to their face and brightens their day. I’m reminded of the times when I visit a convalescent home and see the senior citizens looking hopefully towards the door for their son, daughter, granddaughter, grandson, niece, nephew, ANYBODY to walk through the door to come and visit them. Some [many] of those people never have a single soul visit them more than once a year [I sincerely hope that’s not any of you doing that to your relative and if you are, take a day out of your busy month to go for a visit]. This project is not for us, it’s for those lonely souls to make their day just a little brighter.
I hope that this project will inspire you to go out and Make Someone Smile, not just this week, but throughout the year!!
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