My mom & dad’s fondest wish has been to bring their kids and grandkids to Japan. I don’t ever remember a time that all 5 of us have traveled to Japan together, even when my bro’s & I were young. It’s probably with good reason since traveling with the K’s [whom I shall dub the “Krazies”] is never a good idea. We all turn on each other and it becomes very, very ugly.
My parents aren’t getting any younger so we decided to pull the trigger [so to speak. at least I hope it’s just a figure of speech. At this point it’s a 50/50 toss up as to whether or not I’m going to land my @$$ in jail for murdering one of my family members]. But wait, there’s more! My mom decided to ask her friend’s family to join us in the insanity. So 15 of us – the K’s and the S’s [whom I was going to dub the “Suckers” but that’s not really nice and they really are a nice family. I’ll dub them “SoBusted’s”] will be traveling to my parents’ motherland to partake in the rich history, culture, and well, FOOD!